Problems updating mutual fund prices using

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Dec 31 22:37:48 GMT 2018

On 2018.12.31 16:34, Jane Hadley wrote:
> For the last several days, I have been unable to update mutual fund  
> prices
> in KMyMoney.
> I am using KMyMoney Version 4.6.6 on my Ubuntu 16.04 desktop machine.
> When I go Tools-->Prices -->Update Stock and Currency Prices and then  
> click
> on "Update All," I get the following error message:
> Fetching URL
> ..
> Timeout on server Socket operation timed out
> Unable to update price for ACRNX (empty quote data)
> Is anybody else having the same problem?
> Suggestions welcome.
> PS - I would like to update to KMyMoney 5.02, but when I use Synaptic  
> to do
> so, the latest version it offers is the version I have installed:  
> 4.6.6. I
> also wouldn't mind some guidance on how to find and install a safe  
> version
> of 5.02 with the least technical knowledge required.
I'll ask when price updates (stock OR mutual fund) last worked for  
you.  Yahoo stopped supporting that service quite a while ago, and it  
was discussed significantly on this and the developers mailing lists.   
The problem is with Yahoo, and not with KMyMoney, so there is not much  
to do on this end, except find another source.  However, that is  
completely separate from updating your software.

Ubuntu 16.0.4 is pretty old, but still supported until next April.  The  
main problem is that version is still using KDE4 libraries.  KMyMoney  
5.0 and later use KDE Frameworks, which are a major update, and not all  
bits of the version 4 libraries and version 5 frameworks can coexist  
(although most are OK.)  I'm a bit surprised that Ubuntu doesn't have  
4.8 available, which isn't 5.0, but 4.6 is very old, and has had no  
updates in a long time.  I don't use Ubuntu, so it's only an educated  
guess, but I think your best bet would be to try using Clay Weber's PPA  
There are instructions on that page, and hopefully someone who has done  
it will be able to help with any problems you have.

One thing I would also ask is what exact version of Ubuntu are you on?   
If not 16.04.5, updating to that might get you to 4.8, and I'll guess  
that the PPA I mentioned might assume you are fully up to date with  
whatever version of Ubuntu you are using.


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