need help with direct connect (mapping)

Christopher Ramos chrisdavidramos at
Fri May 19 16:55:03 UTC 2017

Hello all!

I'm having difficulty setting up direct connect between kmymoney and my
financial institutions. From what I can tell, my problem is simply not
knowing how to find the correct credentials.

I know that it is possible to connect to these institutions because I have
done so using Intuit's web application (

I've tried examining the JSON data in the POST requests. The POST request
is to ""

So, I feel like I'm on to something.

The data includes ""fiId":4307", which I believe corresponds to the "FID"
field in the kmymoney connection wizard.

Of course, I'm still missing "Org" and "URL".

The JSON has a "fiName" property with this value: "Northeast Credit Union
There is also a "loginUrl" with the value "

Now, I've tried all these combinations without success.

Can anyone offer some insight? Thanks!

Christopher David Ramos
WebDev & Analyst
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