[OFX Import plugin] is switching transaction type when importing credit card

Gilberto gilbertoca at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 14:40:16 UTC 2017

Hi Jack!

Today I've done the import again. This time it didn't make the inverse
inclusion. But the matching continues a little poor for credit card account
I don't know if there were updates for Kmymoney - have several for opensuse

linux-s6k1:~ # zypper se -s kmymoney
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                 | Type        | Version    | Arch   |
   | KMyMoney             | application |            | noarch | Repositório
principal (OSS)
i+ | kmymoney             | package     | 4.8.0-35.4 | x86_64 |
v  | kmymoney             | package     | 4.7.2-5.6  | x86_64 | Repositório
principal (OSS)
   | kmymoney             | srcpackage  | 4.8.0-35.4 | noarch |
   | kmymoney-debuginfo   | package     | 4.8.0-35.4 | x86_64 |
   | kmymoney-debugsource | package     | 4.8.0-35.4 | x86_64 |
   | kmymoney-devel       | package     | 4.8.0-35.4 | x86_64 |
   | kmymoney-devel       | package     | 4.7.2-5.6  | x86_64 | Repositório
principal (OSS)
i+ | kmymoney-doc         | package     | 4.8.0-35.4 | x86_64 |
v  | kmymoney-doc         | package     | 4.7.2-5.6  | x86_64 | Repositório
principal (OSS)
i+ | kmymoney-lang        | package     | 4.8.0-35.4 | noarch |
v  | kmymoney-lang        | package     | 4.7.2-5.6  | noarch | Repositório
principal (OSS)

Another thing, is there a shortcut for show/hide the transaction form - as
you can see it takes almost all the grid.




2017-12-04 17:35 GMT-03:00 Gilberto <gilbertoca at gmail.com>:

> Hi, Jack
> 2017-12-01 20:18 GMT-03:00 Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net>:
>> Hello Gilberto,
>> On 2017.12.01 16:05, Gilberto wrote:
>>> Since Monday I'm dealing with a problem [1] while importing the credit
>>> card's ofx file.
>>> As you can see it is not detecting duplication and all transactions are
>>> with inverted type (Charge and Payment).
>>> Anyone has seen this?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gilberto.
>>> environment:
>>> OpenSUSE 42.3
>>> Kmymoney Version 4.8.0-35.3
>>> KDE Development Platform 4.14.33
>>> [1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/z7ckm8zghd0j1x3/kmymoney-ofx-
>>> importing-issue.png?dl=0
>> Before any other details, my personal guess is that your bank made some
>> change to how they prepare the OFX file.  I would suggest calling them just
>> in case they know and are willing to say anything, although I consider that
>> unlikely.
> I've done it. They said there weren't change in their export utility.
>>   Also, do you know of anything else that changed recently that might
>> have an effect on this?  (
>> There have certainly been reports of repeated imports not matching,
>> although I do not recall any issue of all amounts being negated (the
>> inversion you see.)
> Yes, since about october have done the match manually after import - but
> recently the amounts being negated make things very difficult
>> To help, we need some additional information.  Are you using libofx or
>> aqbanking?
> I think is libofx - have never used aqbanking.
>> Are you importing a downloaded ofx file, or using direct connect?
> ofx file
>> If you import the file a third time, does it match the second import, or
>> create yet a third copy of each transaction?
> It match (duplication is detected)
>   Can you provide one example of the section of the ofx file for just one
>> of the transactions?  Be sure not to include any sensitive information such
>> as account number or password, but those should not occur within a
>> transaction.
> <DTSTART>20170928</DTSTART>
> <DTEND>20171126</DTEND>
> <TRNAMT>-1200.04</TRNAMT>
> <FITID>2017111054640000000055100000000000</FITID>
> <TRNAMT>24.00</TRNAMT>
> <FITID>2017102754640000000055100000000001</FITID>
> <FITID>2017102754640000000055100000000002</FITID>
>> Another question - do you import ofx files from any other banks, and if
>> so, do you see the problem with them, or only with this one credit card?
> From the same bank, but checking account - have problems with matching as
> well - but not the negative one.
>> Jack
> Thank you
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