HBCI and shares

Jochen Schmid jochen at r-ci.de
Sat Nov 26 16:52:56 UTC 2016

Hello Thomas,

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 04:22:48PM +0100, you wrote:

> take a look into the AqBanking logs first to find out if the information you 
> are looking for is transferred using the HBCI protocol. They can be found in
>   ~/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/<BLZ>/logs
> Don't send these files to the list since they contain private information.
> If the information can be found as part of the records, you need to check your 
> mapping of the KMyMoney accounts to the Aqbanking accounts. There must be two 
> such mappings, one for the checking account (Girokonto) and another one for 
> your investment account. If you have only one, then it might be for the 
> checking account and I doubt that detailed information about your transactions 
> can be found in a standardized way.

The information is part of the log file, the booking data has been
transferred from the checking account (and is visable in the checking

My investment account is currently not activated for HBCI.

My plan was: Moving the investment booking (dividend payment) to the
investment account in kmymoney.

My goal is to have the detailled investment booking available in the
kmymoney investment account where the other side of the "booking-T" is
the checking account.

What's the preferable way to realize that in kmymoney?

Jochen Schmid <pflhyfe5 at gmx.net> 

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