KMyMoney 4.7.2 and KBanking/AqBanking, Last Update Date

Jack ostroffjh at
Sun May 22 15:04:40 UTC 2016

On 2016.05.22 10:44, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> I've noticed some bad behavior on the part of KMyMoney and
> KBanking/AqBanking together -- not sure where the bug is. If I do
> "Update All Accounts," the "Last Update Date" on the "Pick Start Date"
> dialog box will not update. That is to say, for someone who always  
> uses
> "Update All Accounts," the "Last Update Date" on that dialog box will
> always be the same -- the date of the last time I updated that account
> by itself (in my case, the first time I tried it). If I do an update  
> of
> one of the accounts in question only, and then do an "Update All
> Accounts," the "Last Update Date" that would be reflected would be the
> date from the update of the single account. So it appears as if doing
> one account alone does update that date.
> I don't know what piece of software is causing this problem, but I'd  
> be
> happy to help track it down. I'm noticing this since Chase made that
> change that required me to switch my credit card accounts with them to
> KBanking/AqBanking from the more common OFX Direct method.


Does it matter what type of account?  I noticed quite some time ago  
that even if you have it set to use date of last update, investment  
accounts always use 60 days ago anyway.  I think (but don't remember  
for sure) that I opened a bug about it.  (That was using libOFX.)  I  
have one credit card currently set to use aqBanking (the same issue  
with Chase as you have, I think) and I never noticed that problem.

However, I never update all accounts at once, I only do one at a time.   
That might make a difference, although you would have to find where in  
the code it updates the date of last update.  In any case, my suspicion  
is that this is an issue within KMM, since (as far as I can tell) it  
tells the back end (libOFX or aqBanking) what date to use in the  


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