KMyMoney 4.7.2 and KBanking/AqBanking, Last Update Date

Ryan Novosielski ryan at
Sun May 22 15:07:35 UTC 2016

On Sun, May 22, 2016, at 11:04 AM, Jack wrote:
> On 2016.05.22 10:44, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> > I've noticed some bad behavior on the part of KMyMoney and
> > KBanking/AqBanking together -- not sure where the bug is. If I do
> > "Update All Accounts," the "Last Update Date" on the "Pick Start Date"
> > dialog box will not update. That is to say, for someone who always  
> > uses
> > "Update All Accounts," the "Last Update Date" on that dialog box will
> > always be the same -- the date of the last time I updated that account
> > by itself (in my case, the first time I tried it). If I do an update  
> > of
> > one of the accounts in question only, and then do an "Update All
> > Accounts," the "Last Update Date" that would be reflected would be the
> > date from the update of the single account. So it appears as if doing
> > one account alone does update that date.
> > 
> > I don't know what piece of software is causing this problem, but I'd  
> > be
> > happy to help track it down. I'm noticing this since Chase made that
> > change that required me to switch my credit card accounts with them to
> > KBanking/AqBanking from the more common OFX Direct method.
> Ryan,
> Does it matter what type of account?  I noticed quite some time ago  
> that even if you have it set to use date of last update, investment  
> accounts always use 60 days ago anyway.  I think (but don't remember  
> for sure) that I opened a bug about it.  (That was using libOFX.)  I  
> have one credit card currently set to use aqBanking (the same issue  
> with Chase as you have, I think) and I never noticed that problem.

I only have Chase Credit Card accounts that need this other method, so I
can't say how it works with other accounts. I haven't happened to notice
whether or it actually respects the date you select, but I suspect it
does as it seems to take longer and longer (which is how I noticed that
it was not updating in the first place).

> However, I never update all accounts at once, I only do one at a time.   
> That might make a difference, although you would have to find where in  
> the code it updates the date of last update.  In any case, my suspicion  
> is that this is an issue within KMM, since (as far as I can tell) it  
> tells the back end (libOFX or aqBanking) what date to use in the  

Indeed, this works as expected when you do one at a time.

  Ryan Novosielski
  ryan at

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