[Kmymoney] Email usage: was: RES: RES: RES: Cannot delete account

Rhaufed Santos rhaufed at terra.com.br
Fri Nov 6 17:59:36 UTC 2015

You are correct. Sorry for that and I noticed my mistake it when it was already too late.
Will not happen again

Sent from my iPad

> On 6 de nov de 2015, at 19:08, Jack <ostroffjh at frontier.com> wrote:
>> On 2015.11.06 05:09, Email Terra Rhaufed wrote:
>> Someone can help me to make my reports more clean? I mean, the numbers in the Budget Report are to close togheter and with no lines separating the numbers, it is easy to et lost.
>> See picture below. It is a Budget report and the columns are Actual Budget Difference for Nov Dec and Jan
> I know this specific problem has been solved, but I would like to make a point about using email lists.  When starting a new topic, please start with a fresh message.  Please do not simply reply to some unrelated message.  Many email programs group messages into threads or conversations, and they sometimes use headers in the message which are not always displayed.  In this case, the subject line was not even changed, and the topic clearly is not related to "Cannot delete account."  This means that someone not interested in the previous topic may not even look at the new message - missing a potential opportunity for someone who might have the answer you need.
> Thanks.
> Jack

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