[Kmymoney] Some newbie questions

Divan Santana divan at s-tainment.co.za
Sat Jun 21 23:33:33 UTC 2014

Thanks for the quick reply and input :)

On 14 June 2014 10:23, Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> please find my comments inline.
> On Saturday 14 June 2014 01:03:25 Divan Santana wrote:
> > Hello Kmymoney Friends,
> >
> > So I've finally invested sometime into switching to kmymoney.
> > It's been a bit of work, but I think it will be worthwhile in the long
> run
> > and so far things are looking pretty good.
> >
> > Think the program is great and appreciate the documentation too! So keep
> up
> > the good work and thank you!
> Thank you very much.
> > Few newbie questions to follow and mostly just asking from your guys
> > experience on how you use it etc
> >
> > 1) Month dates configurable?
> > Typically I get paid on the 20th of the month and I have run my monthly
> > budgets from the 20th to the 20th of the following month. Is this
> > configurable/possible in kmymoney or will cause mismatches/problems? I
> see
> > on the reports I can configure a date to pull a report, but I'm concerned
> > that on the front screen it's going to complain about my budgets being
> out
> > because by default it will likely calculate from the 1st to the 31st.
> Yes, budgets are based on full months and this is fixed.

Ok then I'll just have to change my month to work from the 1st to 31st. One
question/challenge with this is typically one gets paid towards end of
month, eg 25th. That income is used for following months budget. This seems
not possible in kmymoney since the income on 25th reflects in the current
months budget. This wouldn't be an issue if every months budget/salary is
identical, but that's not the case for me.
Any idea how one can work around this.

> > 2) With scheduled transactions there is an option wrt 'Non-processing
> day'.
> > I believe by default, it classifies Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
> as
> > a non-processing day. Is this configurable anywhere? Because in South
> > Africa it seems Saturday is a processing day.
> KMyMoney respects the KDE locale settings for that purpose AFAIR.

Very interesting. Let me play with the locale settings and try change the
last working day of the week.
If that helps, that would be great!

> > 3)  How does one budget for a transfer? Eg, transfer 500 from cheque to a
> > savings account. One can't categorise this transaction as it's a transfer
> > so therefore one can't budget on it.
> > Ok after some research I came across this link[1]. Is this still the
> case,
> > ie one can't really budget for a transfer (like principal home loan) or
> an
> > investment/saving, and therefore there is a hack/workaround?
> That really is a hack. One could use another trick: record two transactions
> instead of one. Using your above example, one would be an expense on the
> cheque account, the other one an income on the savings account.  Accounting
> wise this is the same as a transfer, but a bit more error prone, since you
> must take care of keeping the two parts in sync (date and amount wise). But
> you gain an expense category you can use in your budget and run reports
> against it.

Ah, I could certainly try something like that. I'll have a look into this -

> > 4)  Out of interest, has kmymoney replaced spreadsheets completely for
> you
> > guys? In terms of budgets or most of your finances?
> Yes, for most of the cases.
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
> GPG-FP: E55E D592 F45F 116B 8429   4F99 9C59 DB40 B75D D3BA
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> A: I hear that if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you
>  get a Satanic message!
> B: That's nothing. If you play it forward, it installs WinXP!
> -------------------------------------------------------------
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