[Kmymoney] KMM 4.6.90 on Windows 7

LES TURNER les.turner5 at btinternet.com
Wed Aug 27 19:10:50 UTC 2014


I installed KMM 4.6.90 on my Windows 7 64-bit system tonight and it worked fine.  

I noticed a reports of  'unknown media type' in a command window as the software was installing, but haven't had any obvious problems so far during initial use.  KMM 4.6.90 has an attractive appearance and seems to run well.  The GPG encryption now works straight away.  No work around necessary which is good.

I still have KMM 4.6.4 on my PC which I had intended to use on my actual financial records and 'play' with a dummy set of records and KMM 4.6.90.  However when I run either version of KMM (which I only do one at a time) they load the last data file that I modified, no matter what I name it.

The only other thing I have noticed so far is that after running KMM 4.6.90 and data file and trying to open another file (with a different name) KMM 4.6.90 simply closes down.

I now intend to use KMM 4.6.90 exclusively but keep regular back ups as recommended.  Thanks for all your efforts.  Any issues I will let you know.


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