[Kmymoney] automated parted operation

aga agander93 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 22:08:55 UTC 2013

On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 23:38:51 +0200
hugo borrell <hugoborrell at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> When I pay for a meal, part can be deduced as charge and part cannot.
> I'm curently editing manually each operation to sort out the
> non-deductible amount (always 4,55 €) from the deductible amout
> (always the total minus 4,55€).
> Can this be automated somehow, at least for the same beneficiary (the
> nearby restaurant) or the whole "category" meal (which should always
> admit a parted operation with 4,55 € to the other category
> "non-deductible) ?
> When I'm choosing a "suggested" category for beneficiary
> "NearbyRestaurant", I can't find a "parted operation" category...
> Thanks,
> Hugo
> _______________________________________________
There are several ways to achieve this, I think.

I'd be inclined, after one of these transactions has already been
input, with meal and deducted entered as splits, to duplicate that
transaction, leaving just the 'meal' split to have its correct amount

Another way would be, for the second 'meal' transaction, to create a
new transaction and select the same payee, which will display previous
similar items from which you may choose the best.


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