[Kmymoney] grouping old payees

hugo borrell hugoborrell at gmail.com
Sat May 19 08:37:53 UTC 2012


2012/5/19 Thomas Baumgart <thb at net-bembel.de>
> I expect you see the information found in the <NAME> elements in KMyMoney.
> The
> OFX spec states:
>  <NAME> Name of payee or description of transaction, A-32
> where A-32 means a character field of 32 characters (not bytes).
> In fact, it would allow not only the name but also a description of the
> transaction (which seems to happen in your case). But there is no
> indication
> if its used for a name or a description.
> What would be the algorithm for KMyMoney to detect the usage? An option on
> a
> per file basis is not feasible as the field could be used in different
> ways in
> the same file. I am not sure if an option per account would work, as you
> could
> also imagine two transactions in the same account in the same statement
> where
> this field is used in both ways.
> So I don't really have a clue what to do. Any additional ideas?
I was expecting some sort of a "gold standard" usage about this issue, but
if such usage does not exist, this is what I may try :
1) create a payee called "myself"
2) automatically attribute any operation including "myself" string to this
3) add a "myself" string to any operation between my own accounts, whatever
other precision I may add to the transaction (eg. : "myself from check to

Does that make any sens ? Is there any better way ?



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