[Kmymoney] grouping old payees

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 19 15:10:41 UTC 2012

On 2012.05.19 03:32, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> What would be the algorithm for KMyMoney to detect the usage? An  
> option on a
> per file basis is not feasible as the field could be used in  
> different ways in
> the same file. I am not sure if an option per account would work, as  
> you could
> also imagine two transactions in the same account in the same  
> statement where
> this field is used in both ways.
> So I don't really have a clue what to do. Any additional ideas?

I think this is similar to problems I have importing credit card OFX  
statements from Chase, and sometimes also OFX bank statements.   
Inconsistent use of the fields, which may include the Payee name, but  
also include other extraneous stuff about transaction type.  I have  
ended up with payess named "depost" and "internet transfer".   
Eventually I created a payee called "&useless" to accumulate these on  
import, and put various strings in the matching list to gather the  
transactions in one place.  I just check this payee to find  
transactions that are likely to need fixing, such as no payee for  
transfers between accounts (especially for accounts in different  
institutions) and cleared checks, where the bank has no idea who the  
payee is.

However - I suspect each OFX file (hopefully even each software that  
generates it) will have fairly consistent use of the fields.

In my case, I've just given up and assumed there will be a bunch of  
manual cleanup after an OFX import.


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