[Kmymoney] MySQL option does not show up

Fernando Vilas fvilas at iname.com
Sat Jan 21 20:53:35 UTC 2012

On Saturday, January 21, 2012 20:50:59 Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers wrote:
> Hi,
> I built KMyMoney-4.6.1 on a new KDE-4.7.4 environment. KMM is working well,
> with the own database "edgar.kmm". However, when attempting to "save as a
> database", I only get the option  QSQLITE SQLite Version 3, no MySQL
> option, the next line says "only SQLite allowed". The MySQL
> "libqsqlmysql.so" driver exists in /opt/qt/plugins/sqldrivers,
> Questions: Is this a KMM Problem ? I mean, did KMM perhaps not found the
> driver ? Or is it a permission issue with MySQL ? But I think, KMM would in
> this case offer MySQL anyway ?

KMM asks Qt for a list of drivers installed, and displays everything found to 
the user as an option. It should not be a permission issue within the database 
itself, either. Is the libqsqlmysql.so library in the same directory as the 
rest of the libqsqlxxxx.so drivers? Was it built for the same version of MySQL 
and Qt that are installed? Did you run /sbin/ldconfig after you installed the 
Qt driver for MySQL, and before starting KMM?

Other than that, I am not sure what may be going on. These are things I have 
had issues with in the past, though.

Fernando Vilas
fvilas at iname.com
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