[Kmymoney] MySQL option does not show up

Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers edgaralwers at gmx.de
Sat Jan 21 19:50:59 UTC 2012


I built KMyMoney-4.6.1 on a new KDE-4.7.4 environment. KMM is working well, with the own database "edgar.kmm". 
However, when attempting to "save as a database", I only get the option  QSQLITE SQLite Version 3, no MySQL option, the next line says "only SQLite allowed". The MySQL "libqsqlmysql.so" driver exists in /opt/qt/plugins/sqldrivers,

Questions: Is this a KMM Problem ? I mean, did KMM perhaps not found the driver ? Or is it a permission issue with MySQL ? But I think, KMM would in this case offer MySQL anyway ? 

Btw., MySQL is working well e.g. under phpMyAdmin, and KMM is working well with MySQL in another box under KDE-4.6.

Thank you for your help,

Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers <edgaralwers at gmx.de>

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