[Kmymoney] Reconcile Problems

Doug Brown toquehead at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 18:24:17 UTC 2012

I am running kmy 4.6.2 on Mint 11 in a VMWare instance running on Windows 7.

I reconciled a checking account last month ok. When I try to reconcile 
it this month, the starting balance is wrong.

The "Last Reconciled" date is correct.

If I look at the register, the balance as of the "Last Reconciliation" 
marker is correct.

There are no non-reconciled transaction dated prior to the date of the 
last reconciliation.

After doing a OFX import, I noticed a debit transaction was imported 
with a date after the last reconcilation date, and was marked as 
reconciled (which is obviously incorrect). The value of this transaction 
is equal to the amount the starting balance is incorrect. I have deleted 
this transaction, but the starting balance hasn't changed.

I am storing my kmy data in a compressed xml file. I opened up the xml 
file and there is no occurrence of the offending amount.

I am thinking my register is corrupted, but I have no idea of how to fix it.

Any suggestions?



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