[Kmymoney] Reconcile Problems

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 11 17:34:34 UTC 2012

On 2012.08.11 14:24, Doug Brown wrote:
> I am running kmy 4.6.2 on Mint 11 in a VMWare instance running on  
> Windows 7.
> I reconciled a checking account last month ok. When I try to  
> reconcile it this month, the starting balance is wrong.
> The "Last Reconciled" date is correct.
> If I look at the register, the balance as of the "Last  
> Reconciliation" marker is correct.
> There are no non-reconciled transaction dated prior to the date of  
> the last reconciliation.
> After doing a OFX import, I noticed a debit transaction was imported  
> with a date after the last reconcilation date, and was marked as  
> reconciled (which is obviously incorrect). The value of this  
> transaction is equal to the amount the starting balance is incorrect.  
> I have deleted this transaction, but the starting balance hasn't  
> changed.
> I am storing my kmy data in a compressed xml file. I opened up the  
> xml file and there is no occurrence of the offending amount.
> I am thinking my register is corrupted, but I have no idea of how to  
> fix it.
> Any suggestions?

I'm a bit surprised that a transaction could be imported as reconciled  
- it should only be cleared if you accept the import.  Are you sure  
that transaction wasn't simply being matched to a transaction from  
before the last reconciliation?  Did you really mean to delete it?  I  
mean was it a real transaction?  Was it perhaps a duplicate that should  
have matched another transaction but didn't?

However, my suggestion is to save a copy of your file in case of any  
problems or if I'm wrong, but try the reconciliation ignoring the  
starting balance.  One of the developers would have to say for certain,  
but I don't believe the starting balance is actually used in the  
reconciliation process.  I know I don't even look at the starting  
balance when I do a reconciliation, which I do monthly on two checking  
accounts, two savings accounts, and two credit card accounts, all of  
which use OFX imports at least some of the time.


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