[Kmymoney] unable to use Aqbanking with KMM

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Mon Sep 5 19:15:33 UTC 2011

Hi Michael Berger,

on Monday 05 September 2011 17:47:24 you wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> sorry to bother you once more on the subject. But after having followed all
> the advice of you and other good people I have come just as far as I was
> when starting to ask for help.
> KMM 4.5, KDE 4.6, openSUSE 14.4
> My Bank: Volksbank Mittelhessen eG
> I attach two screen shots.
> Getting the Certificate looks to be working.
> But "Get account(s)" does not - nothing happens at all.
> The expert in charge with Volksbank Mittelhessen can trace all my attempts
> and finds that everything on his end looks just as it should.
> He keeps telling me that as long as I am not using the method Smart TAN
> Plus with numbers either 962 or 972 this will fail.
> Meanwhile I tend to believe him (but then, how come it works with Thomas
> who uses the same Bank? Thomas, Martin, I did everything you advised me to
> do).
> Is somebody out there facing the same difficulties with that very Bank?
> The Bank's expert never came across KMM and thus is unable to help. But if
> he is right, how can I make KMM use Smart TAN Plus 962/972?

AFAIK, the TAN methods are not required by KMyMoney as we don't support 
issuing payments. And I doubt that you need a TAN to just download your 

Taking the information from you other mail, you were still not able to build 
AqBanking/Gwen from source. So it could be, that you still use older versions 
that do not work with the current version of Volksbank. I am at (almost) SVN 
HEAD so don't see those problems. But I remember that I had trouble with early 
5.0 versions.

> 35606 Solms-Oberndorf

which is just an hour from my place .... and I am almost tempted to just fix 
it ;)



Thomas Baumgart

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GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?
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