[Kmymoney] KMyMoney, MySQL

Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers edgaralwers at gmx.de
Wed May 4 10:29:58 CEST 2011


I am working since some days  with KMyMoney Version 4.5.90-svn1202527 using the MySQL Database. Working smoothly. Congratulations to all developers involved and thank you very much for all the work done.

As I do not want to risk to damage the system by doing very much experiments, here some few questions:
1.) is it possible ( and makes it sense ) to work with the two systems ( original db, mysql ) in parallel, I mean using the original db as a kind of backup ?

2.) is it my problem to make backups of the mysql db through mysql statements, mybe using phpMyAdmin ? 

3.) what is the meaning of "preload all data" in the initial db mask after starting KMyMoney ?

Thank you very much again,

Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers <edgaralwers at gmx.de>

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