[Kmymoney] Report of items with no category

Michael Berger idest at online.de
Mon Feb 21 07:59:17 CET 2011

Hi Andrew,
sorry I was not aware that those transactions without a category resulted from 
bank imports into KMM and that's why I assumed you had added them manually 
without assigning categories.

Now, as the situation is I cannot suggest anything to you for I have almost no 
experience on (deficient) transaction imports. Hopefully somebody else from 
the user community can assist you.

However, I feel that KMM may have no tool to patch something that is simply 
not contained in the imported information. 

Sorry again and good luck!   


Michael Berger
Im Borngrund 7a
35606 Solms-Oberndorf
Fon: +49 6442 706509
Fax: +49 6442 200917
idest at online.de
Registered Linux User 520453

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