[Kmymoney] Re: [Kmymoney2-user] Report of items with no category?

Michael Berger idest at online.de
Sun Feb 20 13:39:42 CET 2011

Hi Thomas,
I really could not imagine that  Andrew wanted SUCH a Transaction Report.
This implies that - for whatever reasons - he has a number of transactions 
without categories assigned to them (and with a warning on each).

I have been fumbling around and come to conclude that KMM will not (and should 
not!) permit such report as long as it is built in accordance with proper 
accounting conventions.

The ledger provides the options Withdrawal, Deposit and Transfer. However, 
while a category can (and ought to be) assigned for the first two, this is not 
possible for Transfers.
And yet, the Transfer will be shown in the Transaction Report  "as a Transfer" 
in the Category Column!, whereas Withdrawals and/or Deposits without a 
category assigned to them will not.
In my opinion this behavior is absolutely correct.

Perhaps this is a practical and not too inconvenient way for Andrew:
- create a new category named "aha" (or whatever he likes)
- assign this new category to all withdrawals and deposits without a category.

This should give him the Transaction Report he is looking for.

Have fun!

Michael Berger

PS: should consider to rename the respective column from "Category" to e.g. 


on Sunday 20 February 2011 10:17:22 Michael Berger wrote:

>  Andrew Woodward wrote:
> I'm sure this must be obvious, but I can't see it - how do I produce a
>  report of transactions with no category allocated? I can select them with
>  search or by setting status to "erroneous", but how do I print them or
>  generate a report? Thanks
> Andrew
> Hello Andrew,
> Why don't you try this:
> Select REPORTS
> Select TRANSACTION BY ACCOUNT (default report)
> Remove the tick in the Category button
> OK
> You should see the following columns: DATE  NUM  PAYEE  AMOUNT  BALANCE

Well, this will produce the same list just without mentioning the categories. 
AFAIU Andrew wants to see a list of transactions that don't have a category 
assigned at all. I tried to get such a list but I haven't been able myself. So 
the race is still open to answer this question.



Thomas Baumgart

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