[Kmymoney] Investment accounts

Jack ostroffjh at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 26 23:13:21 UTC 2011

On 2011.08.26 18:29, Konstantin Svist wrote:
> It's been >4 months and still no reply to my original request. Do KMM  
> developers read this ML?
Yes, many of them they do.

> I just tried 4.6.0 and have seen no improvement in handling  
> investment accounts. E.g. there's still no way to enter something as  
> simple as dividend fees...
It's actually not as simple as it may seem.  However, I'm not sure what  
you mean here.   I don't have fees on my dividends, so I have not had  
to do this, but I don't see why it can't be done.  Do you really mean  
you can't enter the fees, or they don't seem to be handled correctly  
when imported by OFX direct connect?  If it's the latter, read below.   
If it's the former, please describe in more detail what you tried.

> Signing up for -developers ML appears restricted & there has been no  
> reaction of any kind to bug filed on SourceForge tracker.
I know of no restrictions for joining the devel list:  
https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kmymoney-devel but I doubt it  
will get you any better answers.  The main difference is that the  
answers in this list focus on helping users get their problems solved  
and that list gets into more details related to the inner workings of  
the program.  The sourceforge bug tracker is for KDE1.x and although no  
timetable has been decided, it is likely that no further development  
will happen there.  Bugs on the 4.x versions are tracked at  

> The only remaining option seems to be to edit the code myself...  
> which of course would only benefit me and nobody else.
Not necessarily.  If you actually fix a bug, or add an enhanced  
feature, then the developers are likely to accept a patch, and I think  
they would definitely be interested in at least looking at the code.

> *sigh*
One other question - have you tried entering these transactions  
manually, just to see that KMM is capable of representing them the way  
you want?  Downloading via OFX is known to have lots of problems.   
Although OFX is an open standard, there are multiple interpretations,  
and there have actually been multiple discussions of this on the -devel  
list, so you might want to review the archives.

One major issue (and it is not just with Schwab) is that they do not  
actually separate what KMM tracks separately as investment and  
brokerage accounts.  If you download the transactions into the  
investment account, those that really belong in the brokerage account  
will probably not be handled correctly.  In the future, it might be  
possible to move these transactions to the brokerage account, but it  
cannot be done now.  One approach that has been suggested is to create  
a security with value $1.00 for the cash part of the account.  I have  
been planning to try this, but have not yet had the time.

There is also another thing you could try in the meantime.  You could  
download the transactions, and import the files.  You can try OFX, QIF,  
and CSV.  OFX will probably do the same as the direct connect.  QIF is  
not generally desirable, but might behave differently here.  Allan has  
responded separately about trying the CSV importer (new in 4.6) and  
that approach CAN get the transactions into both the investment and  
brokerage accounts.

> On 04/12/2011 10:54 AM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set up KMM with my Schwab brokerage account
>> I've added an account (type: Investment) and linked it to the Schwab  
>> OFX (as described at the bottom of  
>> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings)
>> Thing is, the Schwab brokerage accounts include info on investments  
>> & cash at the same time. So, if I transfer $100 to an empty  
>> brokerage account (actual transfer, in schwab.com), the account has  
>> $100 to buy securities with. When I download the OFX into KMM, it  
>> shows up as "Buy Shares" with Price/share: $1.00 and Shares: 100.  
>> And it doesn't look like there's any way to mark it as a transfer.
>> Furthermore, dividends (not reinvested) show up as Amount: <actual  
>> amount> but Total: $0.00
>> I'm sure that other people are using some of these features, which  
>> basically means I had set it up wrong.
>> So let me have it: what's the right way to set it up?
>> Extra info (who knows, might be relevant):
>> * I'm using KMM 4.5.2 on KDE 4.6.1 libraries (XFCE)

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