[Kmymoney] Investment accounts

Konstantin Svist fry.kun at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 22:29:05 UTC 2011

It's been >4 months and still no reply to my original request. Do KMM 
developers read this ML?
I just tried 4.6.0 and have seen no improvement in handling investment 
accounts. E.g. there's still no way to enter something as simple as 
dividend fees...

Signing up for -developers ML appears restricted & there has been no 
reaction of any kind to bug filed on SourceForge tracker.

The only remaining option seems to be to edit the code myself... which 
of course would only benefit me and nobody else.


On 04/12/2011 10:54 AM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up KMM with my Schwab brokerage account
> I've added an account (type: Investment) and linked it to the Schwab 
> OFX (as described at the bottom of 
> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings)
> Thing is, the Schwab brokerage accounts include info on investments & 
> cash at the same time. So, if I transfer $100 to an empty brokerage 
> account (actual transfer, in schwab.com), the account has $100 to buy 
> securities with. When I download the OFX into KMM, it shows up as "Buy 
> Shares" with Price/share: $1.00 and Shares: 100. And it doesn't look 
> like there's any way to mark it as a transfer.
> Furthermore, dividends (not reinvested) show up as Amount: <actual 
> amount> but Total: $0.00
> I'm sure that other people are using some of these features, which 
> basically means I had set it up wrong.
> So let me have it: what's the right way to set it up?
> Extra info (who knows, might be relevant):
> * I'm using KMM 4.5.2 on KDE 4.6.1 libraries (XFCE)
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