[Kmymoney] Loan Wizard / New Account Setup always creates a 0$ opening balance for loan

Marco marco at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Aug 29 05:13:28 CEST 2010

On 08/28/10 09:32, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi,
> on Saturday 28 August 2010 15:05:32 Marco wrote:
>> I'm trying to setup a loan account, but no matter what I do on the new
>> account setup wizard, I can never get the loan to show an opening
>> balance when I create it.  It always creates the loan with a starting
>> balance of $0.00 loan, instead of the value I specified in "Opening
>>  balance"
>> I've tried this on the version 4.5 and 3.98.1 with no luck (Debian
>> packages).
>> Is this a (known) bug, or am I missing something?
> Do you specify to create a payout transaction? If you skip that part, the 
> balance is always 0. I agree, the opening balance field is a bit confusing and 
> we should probably disable it for loan accounts.
> If you don't want to see the funds in another account, simply turn on the 
> 'show equity accounts' feature and manually enter a transaction from the loan 
> account to the opening balance account. That should do the trick.
Yep, this solved my problem.  Thanks!

Also, I believe the wording on the payoff account is a bit misleading as
well.  It says if this loan is for an asset (e.g. house or car).  In my
case, since I was dealing with a student loan, I just skipped over this
since It doesn't provide an asset in the end.

In any case, Thanks again!


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