[Kmymoney] Loan Wizard / New Account Setup always creates a 0$ opening balance for loan

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Aug 28 15:32:26 CEST 2010


on Saturday 28 August 2010 15:05:32 Marco wrote:

> I'm trying to setup a loan account, but no matter what I do on the new
> account setup wizard, I can never get the loan to show an opening
> balance when I create it.  It always creates the loan with a starting
> balance of $0.00 loan, instead of the value I specified in "Opening
>  balance"
> I've tried this on the version 4.5 and 3.98.1 with no luck (Debian
> packages).
> Is this a (known) bug, or am I missing something?

Do you specify to create a payout transaction? If you skip that part, the 
balance is always 0. I agree, the opening balance field is a bit confusing and 
we should probably disable it for loan accounts.

If you don't want to see the funds in another account, simply turn on the 
'show equity accounts' feature and manually enter a transaction from the loan 
account to the opening balance account. That should do the trick.



Thomas Baumgart

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