Currency terms in KMyMoney

Ian Neal iann_bugzilla at
Sat Aug 29 10:49:10 BST 2020


At the moment in the currencies dialog the following terms are used when 
you look at the properties of a currency:
Smallest cash unit
Smallest money unit
Price precision

 From what I can tell:
Smallest cash unit - smallest unit used in calculations within 
application, varies from 0.01 to 0.000001
Smallest money unit - smallest monetary unit in circulation, not sure if 
it is used within the application
Remainder - no idea what this is used for, seems to be set to Never for 
all currencies
Price precision - not sure what is linked to or if it is used within the 
application, seems to be set to 4 for all currencies

Can anyone offer further guidance on the terms and what they are used for?


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