Cross compiled snapshots

Jack ostroffjh at
Fri Apr 17 16:52:47 BST 2020

On 2020.04.17 11:04, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> On Freitag, 17. April 2020 16:53:31 CEST Jack wrote:
> > On 2020.04.17 05:13, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
>>> I found some time to update the snapshot page, which provides  
>>> access to cross compiled kmymoney snapshots.
> > >
> > > See for details.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Ralf
> > Ralf,
> >
>> Do these include support for encryption?  I've been working on that,  
>> and it seems the main thing which needs to be added is pinentry.  I  
>> made a first pass at a blueprint, which does work, but probably  
>> needs to be tuned by someone who understands craft better than I do.  
>> However, with that installed, and manually configuring and starting  
>> gpg-agent, KMyMoney will properly save and open encrypted files.   
>> What I have not figured out yet is how to be sure that gpg-agent  
>> will start automatically when needed, although I have not spent much  
>> time on that yet.  Let me know if you want me to send you a copy of  
>> that blueprint, or post it somewhere.
> Why don't you send it here to the list? Then we can take care of it  
> (or even enhance the whole thing to start the agent when needed).
> If you can elaborate on the "manual configuration and start of the  
> agent" a bit more I could spend some time to look into it.
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
I've attached the blueprint.  I simply copied one of the other gnupg  
related blueprints under .../libs/_autotools/, edited the directory  
names, and commented out the postinstall call.  So far my testing is  
all as installed by craft, not yet packaged and installed from the  
package - which is why I'm still not certain about getting gpg-agent to  
run.  For me, the config files are under  
C:\Users\myname\AppData\Roaming\gnupg, and I added the line  
"pinentry-program C:\CraftMingw\bin\pinentry-qt.exe" to  
gpg-agent.conf.  For a packaged version, I assume that would point to  
somewhere under C:\Program Files\KMyMoney\.

When I just tried running kmymoney, it did not offer encryption, but if  
I started gpg-agent first (gpg-connect-agent ./bye) first, it worked  
fine.  I have not fully researched what other gnupg related actions or  
calls might automatically start gpg-agent.  Since I have not yet gone  
through a full, clean cycle of building KMM, I don't know whether that  
would still be necessary.  I also don't know what interaction their  
might be between the packaged pinentry and a full install of gpg4win.

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