New segfault with git head master

Jack ostroffjh at
Fri Jun 8 01:44:02 UTC 2018

I was very happy when my emails with Thomas led me to figure out the  
cause of my problems with some OFX imports seeming to create  
transactions I could not edit because KMM claimed that the category  
used was a closed account.  In fact, the bug was that KMM was reporting  
the wrong account as being closed, and Thomas has already committed a  
patch to fix that problem.  Unfortunately, since that time, any copy of  
KMM I have compiled from git master head has segfaulted, either simply  
loading my .kmy file, or when opening any account.  Creating a new kmy  
file, and creating an account does not trigger the crash.  I have  
recompiled multiple times, and I am at least certain of this:

git commit 380e9d60 (current git head) does segfault
git commit 12b53c99 (about the time I discovered the cause of my issue)  
does not crash (but reports the wrong account as closed.

Tomorrow I will start bisecting to find the commit that actually causes  
the crash.  I will also continue my so far unsuccessful attempts to get  
a useful backtrace, to see if that points to the cause.  Any  
suggestions or hints to speed the process will be appreciated.  I'll  
report back as soon as I have any more useful information.


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