OFX Import Bug

Brendan Coupe brendan at coupeware.com
Wed Jan 11 06:57:23 UTC 2017

When I said the formats are different I meant very different.

The manually downloaded OFX files look like this:


The txt files saved in /home/thb look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <STATEMENT version=...begindate="2016-10-12" enddate="1969-12-31"

I've copied Thomas (thb) so that he may be able to guide me one more time.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net>

> Brendan,
> I wish I knew more about the software the banks actually use, but that is
> not likely to happen.  I'm not surprised that the manual download might be
> different from the direct connect download - but that's just based on
> experience.  I would think they were generated by the same software - but
> obviously called with different parameters - or something.
> I know of no essential difference between QFX and OFX, other than the "Q"
> implying Intuit/Quicken had something to do with it.  My guess is perhaps
> differences in max length of some of the fields, like the memo.  I also
> wouldn't expect a single bank to produce both - I've seen them offer one or
> the other, probably depending on who they buy/lease their OFX server
> software from.
> I have no explanation for the dates you are seeing.  I also agree the
> probability of a useful response from the bank's tech support line is slim
> to none - but it might be interesting if they have any response when you
> tell them you are getting very different end dates from the two different
> download methods.  It would depend at least on whehter the person you speak
> to even knows what OFX is.  Otherwise they just tell you to call Quicken
> support.
> I doubt very much a server will produce different results depending on
> what you send in the request header - I suspect it only affects whether
> they accept the request or reject it outright (with a useless error
> message, probably.)
> Finally, I think the direct connect download is intended to be transient,
> so other than mucking in the code, I don't know that you will (easily) be
> able to save it - but I believe it lives briefly somewhere under /tmp.  I
> suspect what you end up with under /home/thb is close, depending on the
> original purpose for saving it there.  Also remember, direct connect does
> not download any "files."  It is a communication specification, meant for
> direct use.  If the software happens to save it, the extension is
> essentially arbitrary.   Formatting clearly doesn't matter - although the
> content within the <OFX> tags should be similar, expecially for transaction
> data, perhaps allowing for different timestamps.
> Jack
> On 2017.01.10 15:18, Brendan Coupe wrote:
>> Jack,
>> Your suggestion is fine for testing but a non-starter for day to day use
>> of
>> KMM. I can live with bogus warnings about my account balance not matching
>> the download balance.
>> I downloaded both the OFX and QFX files from both banks. I diff'ed them
>> and
>> they are pretty similar (OFX vs QFX).
>> The formats are completely different from the files that are saved in the
>> /home/thb folder which have the extension "txt" so they may not be copies
>> of the downloaded OFX files.
>> Is there an easy way to find the OFX files downloaded when they are
>> downloaded from KMM?
>> There is possible good news and bad news. The bank that shows 1969-12-31
>> has the correct date in the manually downloaded OFX & QFX files.
>> <DTSTART>20161013000000
>> <DTEND>20170110000000
>> The bank that appears to use the date prior to the last transaction date
>> (based on 2 recent downloads) shows an end date in 2014.
>> <DTSTART>20170109
>> <DTEND>20141212210000
>> Very strange.
>> I have tried several options for "Identify as" and "Header Version" and
>> the
>> txt file that appears in the /home/thb folder is the same.
>> *----Brendan*
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 7:38 AM, Jack <ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net>
>> wrote:
>> > On 2017.01.09 23:24, Brendan Coupe wrote:
>> >
>> >> I'm having a problem with 2 accounts when I import the OFX using online
>> >> banking.
>> >>
>> >> One account shows the Online Statement Balance on 12/31/1969.
>> >>
>> >> Another account shows the Online Statement Balance on 1/3/2017 while
>> the
>> >> most recent transaction is on 1/4/2017 and I just downloaded it today
>> >> (1/9/2017).
>> >>
>> >> Not surprisingly when I checked the OXF files for the respective
>> accounts
>> >> I
>> >> found the following (/home/thb comes to the rescue again):
>> >>
>> >> ...begindate="2016-10-11" enddate="1969-12-31"...
>> >>
>> >> ...begindate="2016-12-09" enddate="2017-01-03"...
>> >>
>> >> I'm almost certain I will not have much luck getting the banks to fix
>> >> this.
>> >>
>> >> Is it possible to have KMM use the current download date when the date
>> in
>> >> the OFX file does not make sense? KMM could also use the latest date
>> of a
>> >> transaction in the OFX file when it's later then the "enddate".
>> >>
>> >> At the very least it should recognize a problem since the enddate is
>> >> before
>> >> the begindate at the first bank.
>> >>
>> >> I did check a different bank at it uses today's date as the enddate.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> *----Brendan*
>> >>
>> >
>> > One thing you might try is to manually download an OFX file.  I have
>> oddly
>> > found that it can differ from what gets downloaded by direct connect.
>> Even
>> > if it doesn't, you can manuallyl correct the end date if it's still
>> wrong.
>> > Not a good long term solution, but a temporary workaround.
>> >
>> > Jack
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