Citibank Visa OFX Problem

jeffjl.kde at jeffjl.kde at
Sun Jul 17 21:45:27 UTC 2016

> On 2016.07.17 15:48, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> > Apparently Citibank is ingnoring the date range so it downloads  
> > everything it has which dates back over 6 months from when the card  
> > was activated.

I have this same problem with my Citi card.  Sometimes it actually uses the dates in the OFX request, but most of the time it returns every single transaction for the last (I think) 2 years. (I've had the card for longer than 2 years.) I tried modifying the OFX request and could not find the magic words to make it work properly.  
In my case KMM would take about 2 or 3 minutes importing and trying to match all those transactions, and as I recall, I would usually have to manually fix/delete and/or re-accept the payment transfers.
This won't help you, but I got tired of it and modified my copy of the KMM statement importer to ignore transactions prior to the "Start date of import" in the account's online settings.

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