Citibank Visa OFX Problem

Jack ostroffjh at
Sun Jul 17 21:11:28 UTC 2016

On 2016.07.17 15:48, Brendan Coupe wrote:
> Costco recently switched from American Express to Citibank Visa. I  
> have setup the new Visa card to download my transactions online.  
> Apparently Citibank is ingnoring the date range so it downloads  
> everything it has which dates back over 6 months from when the card  
> was activated. I guess they got the old transaction details from AmEx  
> or Costco.
> I've tried every option for the date range (last update, today minus  
> and pick a date) and no matter what I do I get everything. This  
> creates a problem since the old transactions are already in my AmEx  
> card account.
> I have set the opening date for the account properly and am surprised  
> that the OFX import allows any transactions prior to the opening  
> date. I know I can't enter them manually.
> It would be great if the OFX import would honor the account opening  
> date. This would solve my problem.
> I'm running KMM 4.7.2 on Fedroa 24.

Minor point, but can you try upgrading to 4.8.0?  I don't think there  
were any changes in this area, but that may be worth a try.

I find it hard to imagine that Citibank would ignore the requested  
starting date - have you made any attempt to contact Citibank tech  
support to see if they will  have anything to say other then  
"unsupported software?"

As far as KMM importing transactions before the account opening date, I  
am a bit surprised that the OFX import doesn't honor this.  Can you try  
running KMM from command line to see if there are any relevant messages  
displayed to console?

Finally, if you really consider the new Visa a swap-in replacement for  
the Amex card, you could just rename the KMM account, and remap it to  
the new account number and other online details.  Then it would be the  
same account from KMM's viewpoint, so all those old transactions would  
be recognized as duplicates on import.  If the old balance was  
correctly transferred, then other than having to be particularly  
careful with one or two reconciliations, this might be a good approach.

Perhaps someone else will have more direct info about the underlying  


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