KMM 4.7.2 atrociously slow - unworkable

Louis-Philippe Allard lp.allard.1 at
Sun Apr 17 13:20:38 UTC 2016

  Quoting Christian David <christian-david at>:

> Hi Louis-Philippe,
> I am surprised this happens. Unfortunately there is no debug mode.  
> However, to solve this issue we need to know what exactly causes the  
> slow down. KMyMoney does not start any action without prior user  
> interaction (I think). Does it get faster again if you just wait  
> long enough (like one or two hours)? What exactly did you do before  
> it slows down? Does is slow down if you just open KMyMoney and do  
> nothing for some time?
> Thank you for testing both versions! This was very important and  
> extremely helpful.
> Also a last note: I recommend to use a .kmy file. It is way faster  
> and better. I am afraid that the database backend is of low quality  
> regarding speed.
> Greetings
> Christian
> Louis-Philippe Allard <lp.allard.1 at> hat am 10. April 2016  
> um 00:48 geschrieben:
> since I migrated to 4.7.2 from 4.6.2, KMM became extremely slow, to
> the point of not being able to produce any significant work.  Every
> click of the mouse takes between 5 & 10 seconds no matter what I am
> loading (contextual popup, or loading a ledger, or payees, etc).  This
> is noticeably slower when in the Accounts page but overall, its slow
> to the point that it becomes frustrating to use it.
> I eliminated database problems with a replication to another DB, then
> using 4.6.2 on this replicated DB, it is much much faster and snappier
> (when I do something something happens).
> I noticed KMM 4.7.2 is fast for a few minutes when I start it back up,
> but after that delay, it becomes hellish.
> CPU and RAM are comfortably low (<10% CPU, RAM < 1.5GB) but
> nevertheless, I noticed CPU is always between 7-10% unless I do
> nothing at all (let it alone).
> Is there a debug mode or something I could do to pinpoint the source
> of this extreme lack of performance?  Has anybody else noticed 4.7.2
> being notoriously slower than previous releases?
> Searching the KDE bugs, bug 360874 seems to be similar or somewhat
> related to what I am experiencing, except that I am running on Linux
> Mint 17.3.  Workstation has quad core AMD Phenom II X4 965 at  
> 3.4GHz,and 12GB DDR3-1600 RAM.

Hello Christian,  I will continue to reply for this ticket in the bug  
ticket I opened on KDE bugtracker.... I am getting a bit confused with  
the maillist and the bugtracker auto reply feature.. ;)

  Louis-Philippe Allard
lp.allard.1 at
Sent from Horde Groupware - GNU/Linux
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