KMM 4.7.2 atrociously slow - unworkable

Christian David christian-david at
Sun Apr 17 06:43:11 UTC 2016

Hi Louis-Philippe,

I am surprised this happens. Unfortunately there is no debug mode. However, to solve this issue we need to know what exactly causes the slow down. KMyMoney does not start any action without prior user interaction (I think). Does it get faster again if you just wait long enough (like one or two hours)? What exactly did you do before it slows down? Does is slow down if you just open KMyMoney and do nothing for some time?

Thank you for testing both versions! This was very important and extremely helpful.

Also a last note: I recommend to use a .kmy file. It is way faster and better. I am afraid that the database backend is of low quality regarding speed.


Louis-Philippe Allard <lp.allard.1 at> hat am 10. April 2016 um 00:48 geschrieben:

since I migrated to 4.7.2 from 4.6.2, KMM became extremely slow, to  
the point of not being able to produce any significant work.  Every  
click of the mouse takes between 5 & 10 seconds no matter what I am  
loading (contextual popup, or loading a ledger, or payees, etc).  This  
is noticeably slower when in the Accounts page but overall, its slow  
to the point that it becomes frustrating to use it.

I eliminated database problems with a replication to another DB, then  
using 4.6.2 on this replicated DB, it is much much faster and snappier  
(when I do something something happens).

I noticed KMM 4.7.2 is fast for a few minutes when I start it back up,  
but after that delay, it becomes hellish.

CPU and RAM are comfortably low (<10% CPU, RAM < 1.5GB) but  
nevertheless, I noticed CPU is always between 7-10% unless I do  
nothing at all (let it alone).

Is there a debug mode or something I could do to pinpoint the source  
of this extreme lack of performance?  Has anybody else noticed 4.7.2  
being notoriously slower than previous releases?

Searching the KDE bugs, bug 360874 seems to be similar or somewhat  
related to what I am experiencing, except that I am running on Linux  
Mint 17.3.  Workstation has quad core AMD Phenom II X4 965 at 3.4GHz,  
and 12GB DDR3-1600 RAM.

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