[Kmymoney-devel] libOFX question (relates to recent OFX failures with Chase credit card downloads)
Thomas Baumgart
thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Dec 13 09:53:26 UTC 2015
On Saturday 12 December 2015 12:36:02 Jack wrote:
> On 2015.12.09 19:38, Jack wrote:
> I'm replying to the original message since this only peripherally
> relates to the proposed patches to libOFX and KMM.
> I have succeeded in accessing my Chase account using:
> gnucash 2.6.9
> aqbanking 5.0.25
> libOFX 0.9.5
To me it looks like aqbanking has its own implementation and does not use
libOFX (based on a very short glimpse into the source code).
BTW: latest version of libOFX seems to be 0.9.10
> (I find it odd that to activate OFX direct connect in gnucash, you have
> to enable hbci, there is no separate flag for aqbanking.)
> <CLIENTUID> is only referenced in file in aqbanking
> src/plugins/backends/aqofxconnect/plugin.
> What I'm curious about is whether KMM could use aqbanking for this
> (while waiting for the libOFX related changes).
KMM uses AqBanking and you can setup an account mapping for it. The first step
would be to create a user/account in AqBanking. Use Settings/AqBanking
Settings in KMyMoney and the 'Create Account' feature to select the backend.
(see attached screenshot). I don't know what needs to be done then as I have
never used that path. Also, I am not sure if you need to setup a user before
to get things working.
> However, based on
> trying to compile the frameworks versions of KMM, am I correct that KMM
> 4.x requires aqbanking < 5.0, so it would only be possible with the
> frameworks branch only? (I can't quite test myself, since I don't have
> quite enough of the frameworks versions of stuff installed to complete
> the cmake.
Nope. The 5.x in AqBanking is not related to Qt/KDE 5.x at all. This is what I
use on my production system:
thb at thb-nb:~$ kde4-config --version
Qt: 4.8.5
KDE Development Platform: 4.11.5
kde4-config: 1.0
thb at thb-nb:~$ aqbanking-config --vstring
> As a more general questions, I'm curious what the difference is in
> using aqbanking vs just libOFX to get OFX direct connect. I don't
> otherwise need aqbanking for anything, so for me would it just be using
> an extra layer?
Yes, though AqBanking supports a set of backends with OFX being one of them. I
use the HBCI backend here in Germany (the main reason why we have AqBanking at
all). Both, the direct usage of libOFX inside KMM and the AqBanking interface
were developed in parallel by different people many years ago).
Thomas Baumgart
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How many programmers does it take to change a
light bulb? None. It's a hardware problem!
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