[Kmymoney-devel] A bug in Git master

Chris Tucker christucker500 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 01:49:11 UTC 2013

OFX import doesn't match securities with different names but same symbol.  For example, I direct-connect to download OFX and pick up a security:

<SECURITY symbol="VOE" id="922908512" name="VANGUARD INDEX FDS MCAP VL IDXVIP"/>

The security exists already as VOE with name "Vanguard Index FDS Mid-Cap Value Index (VOE)". 

mymoneystatementreader.cpp finds the existing security by ticker but the transaction import fails to find the security by name.  The following patch to mymoneystatementreader.cpp solves the problem:

*** mymoneystatementreader.cpp.orig     2013-11-24 17:27:39.959812598 -0800
--- mymoneystatementreader.cpp  2013-11-24 17:27:44.436812841 -0800
*** 630,636 ****
            QList<MyMoneySecurity> list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->securityList();
            QList<MyMoneySecurity>::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin();
            while (it != list.constEnd() && security.id().isEmpty()) {
!             if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity.toLower() == (*it).tradingSymbol().toLower()
                  || statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity.toLower() == (*it).name().toLower()) {
                security = *it;
--- 630,636 ----
            QList<MyMoneySecurity> list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->securityList();
            QList<MyMoneySecurity>::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin();
            while (it != list.constEnd() && security.id().isEmpty()) {
!             if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSymbol.toLower() == (*it).tradingSymbol().toLower()
                  || statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity.toLower() == (*it).name().toLower()) {
                security = *it;



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