[Kmymoney-devel] A bug in Git master

Chris Tucker christucker500 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 04:23:40 UTC 2013

I tried to subscribe to the list but am awaiting authorization.  According to the page at http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net, this is the best way to submit a bug for the git development code.  If not the please point me in the right direction.

Another bug found in mymoneystatementreader.cpp when importing from OFX direct connect.  The reader trying to create splits cannot find the brokerage account for a split using statementTransactionUnderImport so all the imported transactions are broken.  This is likely because the transaction doesn't know the account name, but m_account does.  A patch:

*** mymoneystatementreader.cpp.orig     2013-11-24 17:27:39.959812598 -0800
--- mymoneystatementreader.cpp  2013-11-24 20:01:40.339204121 -0800
*** 565,570 ****
--- 565,573 ----
      if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) {
        brokerageactid = file->nameToAccount(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBrokerageAccount);
+     if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) {
+       brokerageactid = file->nameToAccount(thisaccount.brokerageName());
+     }
      // find the security transacted, UNLESS this transaction didn't
      // involve any security.



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