[Kmymoney-devel] Minor Annoyance

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Aug 28 06:34:53 UTC 2011


on Saturday 27 August 2011 00:39:55 Brendan Coupe wrote:

> I'm a long time KMM user currently running the latest SVN version. This
> little annoyance has bugged me for a while.
> When I open KMM the "Update account..." command in the "Account" menu is
> disabled as it should be since I am on the home screen. I've added "Update
> account..." to my toolbar and it's also disabled.
> When I enter an account that is mapped to the bank (OFX in my case) the
> command becomes active in both the menu and the toolbar. So far everything
> works as expected.
> If I go back to the home screen the command in the menu and toolbar remain
> active. If you execute the commend it will update the last account that you
> viewed in the ledger. I think it should be disabled on the home screen.
> Only "Update all accounts..." should be active on the home screen.
> If you access an account that is not mapped for online banking the command
> becomes disabled in the menu and toolbar. If you return to the home screen
> from an unmapped account they remain disabled as expected.

It's not only the update account in that case. It should be all account 
handling function. So Account/Edit... should also be enabled when going back 
to the home screen. You could even delete the current selected transaction in 
the ledger, and that certainly looks like a more severe situation.



Thomas Baumgart

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