[Kmymoney-devel] Minor Annoyance

Brendan Coupe brendan at coupeware.com
Fri Aug 26 22:39:55 UTC 2011

I'm a long time KMM user currently running the latest SVN version. This
little annoyance has bugged me for a while.

When I open KMM the "Update account..." command in the "Account" menu is
disabled as it should be since I am on the home screen. I've added "Update
account..." to my toolbar and it's also disabled.

When I enter an account that is mapped to the bank (OFX in my case) the
command becomes active in both the menu and the toolbar. So far everything
works as expected.

If I go back to the home screen the command in the menu and toolbar remain
active. If you execute the commend it will update the last account that you
viewed in the ledger. I think it should be disabled on the home screen. Only
"Update all accounts..." should be active on the home screen.

If you access an account that is not mapped for online banking the command
becomes disabled in the menu and toolbar. If you return to the home screen
from an unmapped account they remain disabled as expected.

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