[Kmymoney-devel] Different messages between KDE Bug Tracking System and KMyMoney-devel list ???

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at kde.org
Tue Sep 7 19:36:54 CEST 2010

The whole KDE infrastructure is under stress lately due to changing
servers, some breakages here and there, and a massive reorganization
due to the change to a single sign-on system and git.

Even if we cannot be sure that's what caused the issue, I'd say a
combination of these is probably at fault, and it may/will happen from
time to time in the future until the dust has settled down.

2010/9/7 Χρήστος Σιουλής <CSioulis at dsa.gr>:
> On 07-09-2010, 17:56 +0200, Martin Preuss wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Dienstag 07 September 2010, Χρήστος Σιουλής "(Christos Sioulis)" wrote:
>> [...]
>> > Thanks Martin. That's exactly the mentioned problem.
>> > The above two links for the two different KDE systems (maillist <-> bug
>> > truck system) have different contents! That's that I cannot
>> > explain/understand!
>> [...]
>> What I mean is: If someone were to really censor your mails, wouldn't that
>> someone censor it in *all* media?
>> That's why I would think that this is some sort of bug rather than a voluntary
>> decision...
> With enormous dangerous to be misunderstood again, I would answer to you
> that it seems that the two systems (Global KDE bug track system <-->
> Kmymoney-devel mailing lists) have different administration systems and
> different automated processes.
> On the other hand, a bug should be also reproductive. I really compared
> many previous comments on one system to the other before express my
> wonder for my comment. All the others were equal.
> It is matter of rationalism to find out the answer to "Why" and "How"
> this happened. If it is a bug, it should be found! But as fact it is
> really strange and rationalism can't be satisfied by the answer "OK, it
> is just happened".
> S.Chris
> (P.S. I re-changed the title from [Wrong memo ....] to [Different
> messages between ...] - just in case that there is the intention to
> continue to investigate more this strange behavior/bug in the KDE
> system.!)

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