[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney - Sluggish Response

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Wed May 12 08:28:38 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 11 May 2010 23:26:45 David Houlden wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 aga wrote:
> > Is there a general sluggishness now?  On v1, saving an edited cleared
> > status happens 'in the blink of an eye', whereas on svn the window clears
> > for perhaps 1 1/2-2 seconds while it thinks about things.  Accepting
> > outstanding schedules is accompanied by much screen updates, and even
> > when saving a transaction there is a noticeable pause.
> >
> > I've only seen a mention relating to keyboard use, not of a more general
> > issue.  Bugs obviously have top priority, and removing KDE3 too, so
> > responsiveness has to take a back seat, but I just wondered what the
> > thoughts are on this.
> >
> > Don't take this as a complaint!  You guys have accomplished a tremendous
> > amount on very tight, ambitious  schedules, and I'm extremely impressed.
> >
> > Allan
> Hi,
> I think there are some issues with performance, particularly around the
> ledger even when using a release build not debug. I have definitely noticed
> that just clicking on an entry to mark it cleared causes a screen refresh
> which is very slow. It doesn't seem to matter how many entries are in the
> ledger.
> My test KDE4 machine is a fairly slow 1200MHz pentium III and it is quite
> interesting to watch how some of the screens refresh. Allan mentioned
> entering schedules and when overdue ones are entered at startup there does
> seem to be a lot of screen redrawing going on. I've also noticed that when
> switching to the institutions screen it appears to get drawn twice, first
> slightly further down the screen to where it should be and then again in
> the correct position.

Yes, I have noticed that myself. Being on an "Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 
2.40GHz" according to /proc/cpuinfo which seems to be fast from the specs, 
but for some reason isn't. Therefore, I opened 

> I should add that I totally agree with Allan about this not being a
> complaint.

We see your comments the same way: valuable constructive criticism. Thank you 
guys for all the time you put into testing and writing the feedback here on 
the list and on the bug tracker.



Thomas Baumgart

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Technology is a constant battle between manufacturers producing bigger and
more idiot-proof systems and nature producing bigger and better idiots.
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