[Kmymoney-devel] Strange error on first time use.
ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 16 01:14:10 CEST 2010
I just tested the latest svn with a newly created user - so no .kde4
files at all.
Everything went well, except that when I hit 'finish' on the new file
wizard, I got a consistency check error "The account 'Job' in currenty
'US Dollar' has no price set for the opening date '2010-08-15'. Please
enter a price for the currency on or before the opening date."
The strange thing about this is that there is no account 'job' and the
income category job should not need a currency. (USDollar is the base
There is no error on any further consistency check.
I tried this twice with the same result, using slightly different
selected categories.\
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