[Kmymoney-devel] KMyMoney: Import CSV file from bank (csvbankingqif.py)

aga aganderson at ukonline.co.uk
Sat Apr 3 11:26:40 CEST 2010

On Saturday 03 Apr 2010 09:02:31 you wrote:
> Hi,
> this GUI is near perfect!!! It worked perfect I have now my Bank
>  Transactions over few years back in KMyMoney... really nice!!!! Thanks
>  again!

Hi Hermann

That's good to hear.  I'm copying this to all three kmm lists as the Csv2QifUi 
program is now an option for kmm 1.0x users, and to distro package users who 
would not be able/willing to try the plugin until its possible acceptance.  
I'll need to take some of the rough edges off it as it was a very rushed 
pruning of the plugin version to get you working.

> Some further infos:
> - no problem because of my used german language of/in KMyMoney

I didn't have my brain in the right gear when I asked about translation.  The 
last hack I did was on that front, but it would only be relevant to user 
messages, which possibly you didn't see.  I think you'd just see the English 
language as no translations could have been done yet!

> - when I start  the "Debits in Col..." dropdown field isn't
>   greyed out (when I change radio button from Amount column to Debit /
>   credit columns and back again to Amount  column all is fine "Debits in
>   Col.." is greyed out then. Only a really really small UI "bug" ;-)

That's strange.  Here, the combo-box is disabled on start-up, although the 
label is not.  I'd had to do some last-minute tweaks to the UI - field 
sizes/positions etc. - and did enable that label to compare with the one above 
which was too narrow for the font.  I forgot to disable it again, but I'll 
attend to that.

> - when I import the generated qif file in KMM the memo field on every
>   transaction has " :" at the end. Is this a Csv2QifUi fault? So speaking
>   in my prev. example my memo filed looks now like:
>   "MIETE 05.2009 U. HAUSHALTSGELD :" and not like it is in original:

What I omitted to mention to you, I think, is that the memo combo works a bit 
differently from the others.  When I did a version of the script for a Spanish 
user, he wanted to be able to drop two columns into the memo field.

You do that by entering the first column number, then hitting Return, then 
entering/selecting the second column.  I added the ':' to separate the two 
items in the memo.  I might alter that to put it before any second field, 
rather than after the first, in case there isn't a second one.

> Beside of that everything is really fine and I have to thank you again for
> your work you done.... and this on eastern ;-)

Glad to be of help.

>  Ahhh something more:

>  Csv2Qif is limited to 99 lines?! Is it possible to increase this to 
>  something like 2000 lines?

Good grief!!!  I never imagined someone having that many lines in a statement.  
It's possible to alter the pre-set value, but it may be I've over-looked 
something.  I assume you did try altering it?  As I don't have a csv file 
anywhere near that size, perhaps you could confirm and I'll check again.  
Incidentally, that value is changeable, to allow exclusion of trailing lines 
in the wrong format.  Oh, I see the trouble.  I've allowed only two digits.  
I'll alter that later and send you a new version.

Bye for now


> Regards,
> Hermann
> > Hi Hermann
> >
> > Attached is the free-standing program binary.  Ensure it has execute
> > permissions (as per the csv script you have). Then ./Csv2QifUi should get
> >  you going.
> >
> > I hope the GUI is self-explanatory, but briefly, select your file, date
> >  format and delimiter character.  You should see in the table the file
> >  detail.  Make sure you've selected the right parameters, then select the
> >  appropriate columns.  It will object if you select the same one twice.
> >  For that extra field you wanted, select the memo column.
> >
> > Then select the starting and finishing lines, click 'import' to see the
> >  lines you've kept, the click 'save as qif'.  Import into kmm in the
> > usual way.
> >
> > I tried with that csv line you posted, with the heading showing 'Amount'
> >  and removing the unneeded ';' and it loaded into kmm with no trouble.
> >
> > Bear in mind I've cobbled this together in just an hour or so with
> > minimum testing, so safety first!
> >
> > I'd be interested to hear how it goes, including whether any language
> > translation was evident.  That's something I've not tested at all.
> >
> > Allan
> !DSPAM:4bb6ffd013331804284693!

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