[Kmymoney-devel] [Kmymoney2-developer] kmymoney 3.96 make problems

Alvaro Soliverez asoliverez at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 20:30:11 CEST 2010

There must be a problem with the module which tries to find the QGpgme
Where are those located in your system? We might have to update our
CMake modules.

Please CC the list in your reply, as I'm not the expert on build files.


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 3:26 PM, M@ Knudson <matt.knudson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the quick response!
> I had the headers installed, and the libraries needed by the software were
> also available.  So it must be something wrong with cmake scripts in
> identifying it as existing.  I'm not sure if this is a 64bit problem or not,
> as that is my system.  To hack it:
> Placed:
> in the CMakeLists.txt file in the root src directory.
> Then changed the CMakeLists.txt in the libkgpgfile directory to statically
> point to the correct include directory and libraries.  It built fine, and so
> far is running fine.  The CMakeLists.txt file is attached.
> Thanx!
> M@
> On 04/02/2010 09:19 AM, Alvaro Soliverez wrote:
>> You are missing the QGPG headers. Check in the Fedora forums which
>> package includes those.
>> Or, you could check if there is a prebuilt package, because I know Rex
>> Dieter was working on it.
>> Regards,
>> Alvaro
>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 12:25 PM, M@ Knudson<matt.knudson at gmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am having trouble making kmymoney 3.96 on a 64bit Fedora 12 system.  I
>>> am not sure what exactly you need, but here is some info on the system
>>> and the output of cmake.  I've ensured that KDE Pim and all mentioned
>>> libraries in various forums were installed.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------

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