KMDI Modes

Roland Krause rokrau at
Mon Feb 21 20:46:59 CET 2005

Hi all,
sorry I did not get the start of this thread, just subscribed today. 
I am currently using QextMdi in a commercial project and I am thinking
of switching the project to the current KMDi which is mostly the same
codebase as I have seen. 

I am currently back porting the KMDi library to Qt-only in preparation
for a native Win32 version also. 

My alternative is to go back and do a Qt only solution once Qt-4 is out
and safe to use (i.e. past Qt-4.1.x). 

Now if you guys are determined to remove all the choices that the lib
currently provides I am done here very quickly :-) but if there is room
for discussion I would like to keep the tab page mode, the child window
mode (MS windows look a like) and the IDEAl mode. 

My users like the tab page mode, have never seen nor used IDEAl and
know from the Windows world the childframe mode. 

Best regards,

--- Andras Mantia <amantia at> wrote:

> Hi,
>  Partially I will repeat my post to core-devel.
> On Monday 21 February 2005 06:54, Matt Rogers wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > i'd like to get people's ideas on what modes should be in the new
> > kmdi. If you think we need to remove a mode, please be sure to give
> > good justfication.

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