KMDI Modes

Matt Rogers mattr at
Mon Feb 21 19:42:46 CET 2005

On Monday 21 February 2005 11:46 am, Andras Mantia wrote:
> Hi,
>  Partially I will repeat my post to core-devel.

Thanks for partially repeating it. Half the time, there's so much crap on 
kde-core-devel that i'm not interested in that i just mark the whole folder 
as read. ;)

> On Monday 21 February 2005 06:54, Matt Rogers wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > i'd like to get people's ideas on what modes should be in the new
> > kmdi. If you think we need to remove a mode, please be sure to give
> > good justfication.
> The following is valid ONLY IF the modes are working correctly: I'd like
> to have IDEAl and TopLevel. Or IDEAl only if it configured to work like
> TopLevel.

The idea that I had for toplevel was basically taking all the containers of 
the toolviews, undocking those containers and then rearranging the containers 
so rather than having a tabbar like with normal IDEAl, each toolview would be 
in a tab. if i can put together a mockup or a screenshot, then hopefully i 
can show y'all what i'm talking about within the next two weeks or so.

> Tabbed page mode is usually useless as soon as you have many treeviews
> and I don't see why we would need it if IDEAl works as it should and
> has all the features tabbed page mode has.
> > currently, i'm planning on keeping the IDEAl mode and some sort of
> > toplevel mode. i want to remove tabbed pages mode because i feel it
> > is redundant with IDEAl in most cases.
> Agree, just we should fix IDEAl. ;-)
> > i also want to remove
> > childframe mode because it looks bad and i want to see if semi-decent
> > childframe mode can be implemented in KWin, so we benefit from its
> > window handling routines.
> I personally don't care about chidframe mode. It has maybe only one
> feature not present in IDEAl: you can arrange the windows in a way that
> you see two documents ("tabs") at the same time. This might be nice,
> but some kind of split views in IDEAl could replace it. Otherwise
> managing your documents in childframe mode is a pain, I would say.

I am planning some sort of split view mode for IDEAl, so i think we can safely 
kiss childframe mode goodbye. :)

Thanks for the comments,
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