KMDI Modes

Andras Mantia amantia at
Mon Feb 21 18:46:11 CET 2005


 Partially I will repeat my post to core-devel.

On Monday 21 February 2005 06:54, Matt Rogers wrote:
> hi,
> i'd like to get people's ideas on what modes should be in the new
> kmdi. If you think we need to remove a mode, please be sure to give
> good justfication.

The following is valid ONLY IF the modes are working correctly: I'd like 
to have IDEAl and TopLevel. Or IDEAl only if it configured to work like 

Tabbed page mode is usually useless as soon as you have many treeviews 
and I don't see why we would need it if IDEAl works as it should and 
has all the features tabbed page mode has.

> currently, i'm planning on keeping the IDEAl mode and some sort of
> toplevel mode. i want to remove tabbed pages mode because i feel it
> is redundant with IDEAl in most cases. 

Agree, just we should fix IDEAl. ;-)

> i also want to remove 
> childframe mode because it looks bad and i want to see if semi-decent
> childframe mode can be implemented in KWin, so we benefit from its
> window handling routines.

I personally don't care about chidframe mode. It has maybe only one 
feature not present in IDEAl: you can arrange the windows in a way that 
you see two documents ("tabs") at the same time. This might be nice, 
but some kind of split views in IDEAl could replace it. Otherwise 
managing your documents in childframe mode is a pain, I would say.

> please speak up if you have comments, questions, or concerns. :)
> thanks,
> Matt

Quanta Plus developer -
K Desktop Environment -
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