Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Jens Herden jens at kdewebdev.org
Thu Apr 21 10:18:56 CEST 2005

> > AFAIK Kate does it and Quanta too. But I don't know how much of code
> > duplication can be reduced by moving this feature in the library. So
> > I incline to let this stay in the application level.
> I don't. Actually only Kate support proper splitting of views and that
> would be very useful for Quanta and KDevelop as well. Think about
> comparing two different areas of the same document. You can do in Kate,
> but you cannot do in KDevelop/Quanta. Or simply compare two (different)
> document. That's not possible either.
> So I vote to have this functionality in the ui library.

I see that there can be a benefit for Kate, Quanta and KDevelop. What I don't 
know is what should the library actually do? Enable/Disable widgets? Most 
certainly the UI library will not know that you have a texteditor widget in 
the center. So it can not create a second view of the same document and 
things like this, can it? If the UI library does only put two or more widgets 
into splitters I am not sure if it is worse to have it there. But I have to 
admit that I did not look into the code yet. 


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