Fwd: kdebase/kate/app

Andras Mantia amantia at kde.org
Thu Apr 21 09:39:06 CEST 2005

On Thursday 21 April 2005 06:49, Jens Herden wrote:
> AFAIK Kate does it and Quanta too. But I don't know how much of code
> duplication can be reduced by moving this feature in the library. So
> I incline to let this stay in the application level.

I don't. Actually only Kate support proper splitting of views and that 
would be very useful for Quanta and KDevelop as well. Think about 
comparing two different areas of the same document. You can do in Kate, 
but you cannot do in KDevelop/Quanta. Or simply compare two (different) 
document. That's not possible either.
So I vote to have this functionality in the ui library.


Quanta Plus developer - http://quanta.kdewebdev.org
K Desktop Environment - http://www.kde.org
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