Krita Test Day. Thoughts?

Rebecca Breu rebecca at
Fri Jan 8 09:13:45 GMT 2021

On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 20:01:40 -0800
"Emmet O'Neill" <emmetoneill.pdx at> wrote:
> On the other hand, the BBB thing felt like a bit of a distraction
> away from the main goal;

To be fair, this was the first time for all of as, and we got a bit
distracted by figuring out what the tool could do and how we could use
it to our advantage. I expect that being less of an issue in the

> On top of that, the fact that only one person can share their screen
> at a time tends to shift things towards a presentation, with one
> person trying to work under pressure and everybody else feeling
> compelled to watch.

Yeah, that was maybe the main point. Multiple people being able to
share their screens might be more suited for this kind of meeting.
Though I imagine people might get used to the situation quickly,
especially the screen sharing shyness. Personally, I made the mistake
of not thinking in advance what I would be working on that I felt
comfortable sharing, but that's easy to fix. :D

> Anyway, I still think that spending a little bit of time each month
> just *using* Krita can be a valuable thing for us, I'm just not sure
> that the BBB meetup is conducive to actually doing that.
> So, I'm curious what you all thought:
> *Is dedicating one day a month to testing Krita a worthwhile thing to
> try again in February?*
> *Was using BBB a net positive or negative in relation to the goal of
> testing Krita?*

I feel like it could be useful, yes. The gain of fixed meetings, imo, is
not only in what happens during the meeting, but also how it keeps
being on people's minds in between. It might make us more aware of
what we are doing with Krita. Personally, I do sometimes have things
that never really seem important enough to bring up, but that could be
talked about in such an informal setting. I just need to keep notes...

Another thing one could try is give a bit more of a focus of what to
test; if there's a beta out let's all use that; if there's a big new
feature let's look into that; etc etc. 


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