Make it possible to accept donate via Alipay and WeChat

Tyson Tan tysontan at
Tue Jun 23 03:33:26 BST 2020

People from Krita's Chinese community are happy to donate, but our 
current donation method only accept Credit card, or Credit card via 
Paypal. The problem is that very few Chinese people have Credit card 
these days. The two major payment methods in China are Alipay and 
WeChat. Does Mollie support them, that we just need to enable them? Or 
is there any other platform from Netherland supports them?

Additionally, Microsoft Store and Steam accept payment via 
Alipay/WeChat. Can I add those links to the Chinese version of 
after-download page and the donation page, so people at least have a way 
to give (although only once)?


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