New selection tools in 'krita-testing-kazakov'

Dmitry Kazakov dimula73 at
Sun Jun 2 16:23:20 UTC 2013

Hi, all!

I have just pushed the third major patch for our selection tools to the
'krita-testing-kazakov' branch. It would be really cool if someone could
test it a bit and give some feedback about it. It is not yet completely
finished, but most of the work left is just cleaning-up, so I guess it is
ready for testing.

Here is the list of the most outstanding features of the branch:

1) Creation of most of the types of selections is done veeery fast! For
most of the selection tools (all except automatic filling tools) you will
see the outline in an instant. For other tools the outline will be shown
with a small delay, but the work will be done in the background, so the UI
will not be blocked.

2) Vector Selections are significantly refactored!

2.1) Editing the Vector Selection with a Shape Handling Tool does *not*
hang the UI anymore! All the work is done in the background and you can
edit the shape without any interruptions.

2.2) Implemented smooth transitions from a Vector Selection to a Pixel
Selection. You will never end up with some weird uneditable selection
clouds on the image anymore. Now it is not possible to have both pixel and
vector selection simultaneously. When you try to paint on a vector
selection, it is automatically converted into a pixel selection and you
continue to paint without any delay.

Probably, we should now activate a vector selection by default?
Probably, some UI for conversion Pixel->Vector selection would be nice to

2.3) All this nice "selection flattening" stuff is undo'able!

These changes touch quite a lot of code, so I would really love if someone
could test it before I merge it to master!

Dmitry Kazakov
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